Exploring the Advantages of Hybrid Programming in AI and ML

  • Saeed Baay Civil Engineering, Structure, Gonbadkavos azad University
  • Nafiseh Hajghassem Faculty of Engineering IKIU ,Qazvin
  • Hamed Hajghassem
Keywords: Hybrid programming,, Artificial intelligence (AI),, Machine learning


Hybrid programming is a method that lets developers use multiple programming paradigms, languages, and frameworks in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). This article examines how hybrid programming can enhance AI and ML, by looking at its benefits, applications, and potential. Hybrid programming can boost performance, flexibility, modularity, code reusability, and scalability by using the strengths of different programming models. It can also be applied to real-world problems such as natural language processing, computer vision, reinforcement learning, and deep learning. However, hybrid programming faces some challenges such as integration complexity and learning curves that have to be overcome. Hybrid programming can influence the future of AI and ML, by supporting the creation of specialized hardware architectures, efficient algorithms, and seamless integration with emerging technologies like quantum computing.


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How to Cite
Baay, S., Hajghassem, N., & Hajghassem, H. (2024). Exploring the Advantages of Hybrid Programming in AI and ML. Majlesi Journal of Energy Management, 12(4), 1-12. Retrieved from https://www.em.majlesi.info/index.php/em/article/view/526